How to wear the new chunky merino scarf kit - Outfit 1

How to wear the new chunky merino scarf: outfit 1 black with a splash of ontrend colour inspiration ideas

Here the Shamrock green chunky merino scarf adds a striking splash of vivid green to a basic black outfit for the workday.  Swap out the tailored pants and heels for skinny legged black jeans and flats, and you've got a casual outfit for the weekend.

1. Review Tyra jumper

2. Joe Browns Ultimate Coat with assorted buttons on off-centre fastening

3. Knitting Kits Australia Chunky Pure Merino Scarf in shade Shamrock

4. Prada ribbon handbag

5. Manolo Blahnik black suede pumps

6. Black tailored pants


Want to see which other on-trend shades are available in the Chunky Pure Merino Scarf knitting knit? You can find them here.


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